LIQUI Filter GmbH
GT® air filtration systems for clean process air, optimal hall air and a healthy indoor climate control.
GT® air filtration systems for clean process air, optimal hall air and a healthy indoor climate control.
With professional separation technology from LIQUI Filter, you ensure occupational safety, environmental protection and compliance with legal limits and guidelines.
GT® air filtration systems in production processes:
In the production process, air filtration devices have to meet multi-layered requirements such as process safety, product quality and workplace safety. GT® air filtration units offer a maximum filter life time a service life and constant extraction performance, regardless of filter contamination. The recirculating air operation that this makes possible ensures energy efficiency. The intelligent electric control system enables energy-saving operation of the units that is mostly free of maintenance.
Superior filter technology:
GT® air filtration units are modern, mostly maintenance-free systems with self-cleaning filters that stand for constant extraction performance and long service lives without major maintenance. In terms of function and performance, the GT® air filter units are matched to the specific features, production technology used and the individual operating environment at the customer’s site and stand for permanently effective and economical exhaust air filtration.

EXHAUST VOLUME: 500 – 32.000 m3/h
FILTER EFFICIENCY: 99,95 % (retains also viruses, bacteria & spores)
- Permanent exhaust and filtering of harmful emissions out of process air and air contaminated with aerosols from machine workrooms protects the health of employees 100%.
- Permanent filtering of process air with the aerosols contained in it ensures 100 % recovery of process materials (oil is recovered, air is cleaned and can remain in the workrooms – this results in enormous energy savings in air conditioning – thus enabling 100 % recycling economy).
- The recycling of auxiliary materials into the process is only conceivable and possible with GTI/LIQUI systems.
- Thus full integration of the GTI/LIQUI products into the circular economy – thus LIQUI is in terms of Green Deals a leading provider of systems which only allow for circular economy.
Product overview:
GT® air filtration systems for light & heavy air pollution caused by oil, emulsion, smoke and general cooling lubricants in manufacturing processes
GT® air filtration units are used in all industries that release hazardous substances in the form of gases, vapors, mists and fumes during manufacturing processes that cannot be avoided due to the nature of the process. These include machining, forming, grinding and heat treatment.
GT® air filtration systems for optimum, clean and temperature-controlled indoor air in production halls all year round
Modular all-in-one complete system combining ventilation, heating, economical cooling, hall air purification and heat recovery. Specially developed for the requirements of production plants to ensure optimum temperatures for people and machines. Sustainable, powerful and economical!
GT® air filtration systems for a healthy indoor climate free of pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, spores, dust and smoke.
GT® room air purifiers can be used in many ways, e.g. in schools, kindergartens, offices, restaurants, medical practices and protect what is dear to us: children, students, customers, patients, guests and employees. Products, material and electronics are also protected from dust and pollen with GT® air filtration units.
Interested? We would be pleased to submit you a specific offer for an air filtration system!
Please fill in the questionnaire “Air filtration” and send it by email to info@liqui-filter.de
LIQUI Filter gmbh
Richard-Stocker-Str. 19
D-78234 Engen - +49 (0) 7733 9402-0
- +49 (0) 7733 9402-40
- info@liqui-filter.de
- www.liqui-filter.de