LIQUI Filter GmbH
Regardless of which fluid or cooling lubricant is to be filtered – LIQUI has the right solution! We offer economical standard, special and central plants for cleaning, filtration and efficient management of oils, emulsions and cooling lubricants (CL).
Economical standard, special and central plants for cleaning, filtration and efficient management of cooling lubricants and emulsions.
LIQUI builds filtration plants for all cooling lubricants and various other industrial fluids. With our plants, cooling lubricants for modern manufacturing processes and machines as well as other processes in which special fluids are used are filtered or cleaned as cleanly as necessary.
A LIQUI coolant cleaning system offers the following advantages:
- Process optimization
- Recycling of oil, emulsion and KSS
- Savings in oil and emulsion
- Increased service life of oils, emulsions and coolants
- Increase of product quality
- Increase in surface quality of workpieces
- Increasing the service life of machine tools
- Increase of tool life
- Environmentally friendly, sustainable
All systems are also available in stainless steel.
- Permanent filtering will extend the life cycle of emulsions/coolants and oils by up to 20 times – the result is circular economy at a high rate
- Circulation, mixing and refilling constantly renews the oxygen content in the emulsion and has a 100% life cycle extension effect
- Permanent separation of tramp oils prevents the build-up of harmful bacteria and liquid contaminants in emulsions by almost 100 % – here, too, the possibilities of closed-loop recycling are exploited to a very high degree according to current standards
- Full integration of LIQUI products into the circular economy – LIQUI is therefore a leading supplier of systems that make the circular economy possible when it comes to green deals.
Product overview
Interested? We would be pleased to submit you a specific offer for a system for cooling lubricant filtration.
Please fill in the questionnaire “CL” and send it by email to info@liqui-filter.de
LIQUI Filter gmbh
Richard-Stocker-Str. 19
D-78234 Engen - +49 (0) 7733 9402-0
- +49 (0) 7733 9402-40
- info@liqui-filter.de
- www.liqui-filter.de